From Brainstorm to Boards

The Covid-19 pandemic gave us all a shock to the system. Our world was turned upside down and we had to persevere. But in addition to the struggle, because of the struggle, we came together. We came together with our communities, with our friends, and with our families. Unable to go out to eat, with many restaurants temporarily closed, the home became the centre of life once again. Meals around the table became more common. Local produce began hitting our tables more than ever as we supported our neighbourhood farmers. Everyone began taking up projects to improve their own lives and skills, preserving food, growing gardens, or baking (remember the lack of flour and yeast)! It was in these circumstances that ChopChop went from an idea, to a project, to a passion.

Finishing the construction of his small woodshop in his hometown of Saint John, Peter Murray decided that he wanted to contribute to the idea of the kitchen as a centre of family and activity in the home. Choosing sustainably harvested wood from New Brunswick vendors, and with an eye for unique and innovative design, Peter began crafting cutting boards. Visually striking, high quality, and designed to stand out, he has since made dozens of new designs, some simple, some complex, but all unexpectedly different, inspired by the wood itself. From the yellow of canary, to the vibrancy of purple heart, to the striking patterns of tigerwood and more, the boards are as much a visual work as they are a functional one, and with the quality to hand down these one of a kind pieces for generations.

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